About Us
My Feng Shui journey began more than 25 years ago, while having read many books on the subject of Feng Shui the opportunity arose to attend regular meetings for a short period of time with a Feng Shui practitioner in which the basics of Feng Shui was learnt through knowledge passed down from the practitioner’s family and these principles have been applied to each of my homes over the years.
Always interested in the beauty and balance of a home I then went on to complete a Foundation Design and Colour Consulting Course with the School of Colour and Design and later attained my NSW Real Estate Licence.
My accreditation in Feng Shui was obtained through the Australian College of Environmental Studies, the only nationally accredited Feng Shui course in Australia and this was also where I was introduced to Building Biology. By uniting these two sciences I believe they complement each other well, and as a result I completed the Certificate 1V in Building Biology and I continue to regularly broaden my knowledge in Feng Shui, Geomancy and Building Biology.
Currently, I am discovering the tarot and the energies of crystals which enable me to evolve and provide further insight to a situation.
Whilst my first love is everything ‘Feng Shui’, I cannot deny the fact that there are many other environmental hazards that may affect the health of your home and its occupants which is why I offer Building Biology assessments in conjunction with or independently from my Feng Shui consultations, I have found that the combination of both Building Biology and Feng Shui interconnect beautifully and I look forward to bringing balance, prosperity and a healthy home to the lives of my clients.
In health & happiness
Over the years, we have attended many courses and events both nationally and internationally to further develop our Feng Shui, Geomancy and Building Biology skills.
- Practitioner Member of Australasian Society of Building Biologists
- Professional Member of the Association of Feng Shui Consultants (International) Inc. (A.F.S.C)
- Licensed Real Estate Agent NSW
Michele with Grand Master Raymond Lo
IFSA Conference Okayama, Japan, 2018.